Stan Brown
2019-10-22 19:28:14 UTC
In LotR I 2, "The Shadow of the Past", Gandalf tells Frodo that "a
Ring of Power looks after itself" -- it may abandon its bearer, but
the bearer can't just toss it away.
Based on those words, a correspondent asked why in the FAQ of the
Rings I didn't refer to Rings other than the One having this ability.
I replied that I thought, in the context of Gandalf's talk with
Frodo, Saying "A Ring of Power" he really was thinking only of the
One Ring. (As my correspondent had noted, we don't have any instances
of any other Ring abandoning its wearer.)
Story external, I don't think the other Rings existed at that early
stage in composition of LotR, though I'm not certain about that.
What do y'all think? Can we take "A Ring of Power" in chapter 2 to
refer just to the One, or is it really literally _any_ Ring of Power?
Ring of Power looks after itself" -- it may abandon its bearer, but
the bearer can't just toss it away.
Based on those words, a correspondent asked why in the FAQ of the
Rings I didn't refer to Rings other than the One having this ability.
I replied that I thought, in the context of Gandalf's talk with
Frodo, Saying "A Ring of Power" he really was thinking only of the
One Ring. (As my correspondent had noted, we don't have any instances
of any other Ring abandoning its wearer.)
Story external, I don't think the other Rings existed at that early
stage in composition of LotR, though I'm not certain about that.
What do y'all think? Can we take "A Ring of Power" in chapter 2 to
refer just to the One, or is it really literally _any_ Ring of Power?
Stan Brown, Oak Road Systems, Tompkins County, New York, USA
Tolkien FAQs: (Steuard Jensen)
Tolkien letters FAQ:
FAQ of the Rings:
Encyclopedia of Arda:
Stan Brown, Oak Road Systems, Tompkins County, New York, USA
Tolkien FAQs: (Steuard Jensen)
Tolkien letters FAQ:
FAQ of the Rings:
Encyclopedia of Arda: