Post by Thomas KoenigPost by Steve HayesOn Sat, 30 Jan 2016 18:58:15 -0500, Stan Brown
And so if Aragorn had behaved as Sauron expected him to, and his
strategy had been the strategy that Sauron would have used in his
place, then he might well have taken his place, and then become the
new Sauron.
And here is my question: How would he have needed go go about it,
what tactics would he have used?
We're limited in what we can say, because Tolkien was maddeningly
vague about the powers of the Ring. Invisibility (for mortals), we
know; and we know also that it could read and control he thoughts of
those wearing other Rings. The second power would do Aragorn no good,
since the Nazgûl weren't wearing their Rings, and of course the
bearers of the Three would take them off as soon as Aragorn went dark
side. The first power seems more a hindrance than a help: how can an
invisible commander win a battle?
We can guess that the Ring gives some sort of ill-defined power of
command over ordinary people.
Post by Thomas KoenigWhat they were best at was striking terror into Sauron's enemies.
It can be assumed that Aragorn, having mastered the One, would be
even better at this than all nine Nazgul together.
Probably so, with practice. If we know anything, it's that whoever
mastered the Ring would ave to become a new Dark Lord in the process.
Post by Thomas KoenigHe might even have enticed Sauron's army to defect, or even
turn sides.
He might, though the Ring would not be strictly necessary for that.
Remember that Ar-Pharazon didn't have he Ring and Sauron did, yet
Sauron's troops deserted him when they saw the army of Númenor. If
Aragorn could pull together large forces he should be able to do the
Post by Thomas KoenigSo, Sauron would have had to come in person - something that
he desperately wanted to avoid after the last time. Assuming
that Aragorn was equal in stature to Isildur, he could have stood
up to him, especially while strenghend by the Ring.
For "especially" read "after learning how to use". Tolkien was
crystal clear that no mortal in Letter 246:
"Confrontation of Sauron alone, unaided, self to self was not
contemplated. One can imagine the scene in which Gandalf, say, was
placed in such a position. It would be a delicate balance. On one
side the true allegiance of the Ring to Sauron; on the other superior
strength because Sauron was not actually in possession, and perhaps
also because he was weakened by long corruption and expenditure of
will in dominating inferiors."
That was Gandalf, who was a creature of the same order as Sauron. In
the same letter, Tolkien dismisses Aragorn's chances:
"Sauron would not have feared the Ring! It was his own and under his
will. Even from afar he had an effect upon it, to make it work for
its return to himself. In his actual presence none but very few of
equal stature could have hoped to withhold it from him. Of 'mortals'
no one, not even Aragorn."
The context here is a short period after claiming the Ring. We don't
know how long it would take a new Ringlord to control the Ring, but
clearly it's not a quick process, and Sauron would not give them
leisure to do it. Remember that, though he couldn't find the Ring as
long as it wasn't claimed, the instant Frodo claimed it he knew. If
Aragorn claimed it. on the other side of the River, Sauron might not
know instantly, but it wouldn't take him more than a few minutes.
Remember the groping hand that Frodo saw on Amon Hen!
Post by Thomas KoenigI'm well aware of that. I am simply trying to find out what
exactly Sauron was afraid of at the time.
Sauron was afraid of losing power. To a dictator that is always the
worst thing. Usually dictators who lose power are killed. But no one
would have had to kill Sauron; he would have dissipated, just as he
did in LotR when the Ring was destroyed. Letter 246 again:
"If Gandalf proved the victor [in struggle with Sauron for control of
the Ring], the result would have been for Sauron the same as the
destruction of the Ring; for him it would have been destroyed, taken
from him for ever."
Stan Brown, Oak Road Systems, Tompkins County, New York, USA
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